Miss Me 'Olive-Kitty'
Miss Me is one of the few females in the Montreal Street Art scene. Her wheat-pastes appeared all over montreal after only a short time, but have found there way into the public conciseness (no surprise given there sexual connotations). But these provocative childhood toons also display messages of love and power. Messages like 'The Birth Place of Humanity' are spread across a nude 'Daria'. Miss Me also has a very popular Blog called 'Dessert for Breakfast', which has become more like a forum for women to discuss sex and sexuality. Her reach is long and unrelenting.
Which is why, we thought Miss Me would be the perfect spokes person for our Valentine's Day Print Release. This week Station 16 will be releasing a two-colour silkscreen print of Miss Me's 'Olive-Kitty' (above). This will be an edition of 14, hand pulled prints, signed and numbered and measuring 11.75 x 15.75 inches. The perfect gift to get your Valentines Day (or night) started. Priced at 60.00$ (CA) each.