Browse Blog

The Bomarr Blog: Soundtracks to Street Art


While street artists tend to keep their personal lives private, the Background Noise series on the Bomarr Blog adds another dimension to the identity of street artists: their favorite music. The series features weekly interviews with street artists along with a curated playlist by the respective artist. For street art fans like us, this is one of the coolest blog ideas we have come across. Over the past 10 months, the blog has featured a number of Station 16 artists, including Stikki PeachesEnzo & Niogilf!, with the latest edition highlighting Whatisadam.


backround noise bomarr bomarr blog enzo and nio galerie station 16 gilf! matt valerio music overunder playlist station 16 gallery station16 stikki peaches street art street artists whatisadam | 11/08/2014