Chris Dyer is a soul with high intentions for humanity and his self. He is a man on a quest for elevated consciousnesses through natural life experiences and introspections. A medium of the Great Spirit, who opens his vessel and tries to let go of the temporary complications of his ego-mind. A student of life and true soul skater, despite all the falls.
Chris Dyer grew up in Lima, Peru till age 17, where he was involved in 80’s skateboarding, 90’s surfing and street gang activities. He eventually moved to Canada to study art for many years. Today he is based in Montreal, where he works out of his home studio “The Positive Portal” with his awesome artist girlfriend Arianne Cardoso. These days he also spends half of his time on the road, making and spreading his art worldwide, as he explores many cultures and himself.
By now he has been able to reach over 30 different countries, which has been a chance for him to learn much from a variety of cultures. These powerful experiences has helped him create a flavour of art which fuses many cultures into a spiritual oneness of unity within diversity, which can appeal to all, yet is owned by none._ Chris’ art is rooted in the skateboard culture he has been part of since a young boy, as early as 1986, when he would draw his own board graphics. By the time he left school he focused on fine art done on broken skateboards, as to give new life to that defeated wood. That eventually led him to working in the California and worldwide skate industry, doing graphics for a variety of well respected brands.