Ryan Labrosse
“Ryan’s one of those folks that can find inspiration in anything, from the cartographic view of our city to his childhood memories, he’s the embodiment of the successful Montreal artist”
Montreal native Ryan Labrosse is a Freelance Graphic Designer by trade who also enjoys exploring different styles and medium. Ryan’s artwork and photography can be found in Montreal and Barbados.
Handy with pen and paper, a camera or in the digital realm, he’s scribbled and designed for companies like the Montreal Canadiens, the Toronto Maple Leafs, Family Guy, Kamik, and Rolf C. Hagen inc. Over the past 5 years, his work has appeared on shirts, books, galleries, national ad campaigns and limited edition bottles for premium spirits.
In addition to running his own studio, Ryan is the creative director of Tarmak BallHockey and official photographer for the Blackout Race.