All this week (starting Wednesday, June 27th), FIMA will be having their annual 'GaleRUE D'art' in the streets of St.Catherine east between St-Hubert & Papineau. It showcases some of Montreal's emerging artists, along with some major players, and you can be sure to see collectors of all levels attending. Even if the weather doesn't co-operate, this is one outdoor event you won't want to miss!
Station 16 will have a booth this year, so be sure to drop by and say Hi...Check us out at the corner of St. Catherine and Montclam!
12h - 20h / Du mercredi 27 juin au samedi 30 Juin
12h - 18h / Le dimanche 1er juillet
RUE STE-CATHERINE (Entre les rues St-Hubert et Papineau)